Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Joe Sebok vs. Gavin Smith

Alright the first big bet of the 2006 WSOP has been announced between Joe Sebok and Canada's own Gavin Smith. Obviously there are a lot of side bets that go on between players not only at the WSOP, but at all major events and cash games. However, this particular bet looks to be a solid one, with some major humiliation thrown in the mix.

Here's the deal: The two players (Sebok and Smith) will add up the total amount of points that they accumulate during all of the events at the World Series of Poker leading up to the Main Event. Trust me, the money that will be at stake will be fairly substantial, but you don't want to lose this bet because of the money, its because of the humiliation that they will endure. Check it out, for each day the loser of this bet is alive in the Main Event, that player will have to dress up as a different superhero for the entire day of play. Each day you remain in the tournament you will represent a different superhero. Now, for the very first day of the Main Event, the losing player will have to dress up as anything the other player picks out. That's right, anything. I can envision some crazy costumes being brought into play for this bet. I'd love to see it.

Obviously these players do not want to lose this PokerParty. At least these guys are having some fun with all of this. It is a rivalry, and it will only continue to gain further momentum as the World Series of Poker moves along. Stay tuned for the results of this string bet.

Don't forget the bonus code 20BR the next time you fire up a PokerParty at Party Poker.com

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